The Restaurant at Bibendum

Bibendum, commonly referred to as the Michelin Man, is the symbol of the Michelin tire company. He is one of the world’s oldest trademarks. The slogan “Nunc est bibendum” (Now is the time to drink) is taken from Horace’s Odes – and that’s pretty old. The Bibendum Restaurant is situated in South Kensington, London and is actually…

20 Albany Street – Edinburgh *Honeymoon*

              The last few posts I’ve been talking about the beautiful places we ate out in Edinburgh. But how could I neglect to mention the stylish boutique hotel where we stayed! 20 Albany Street was described as a “a luxury boutique bed and breakfast in the heart of Edinburgh’s…

Rochester Christmas Market

Yay couple time! The other day me and Josh finally got some time to spend together. We love it in Rochester, particularly the castle, so I suggested we head down to check out the Christmas Market that is there at the weekends for the next few weeks, grab some lunch (obviously this is me we…

A personal foodie update!

I have a couple of things I wanted to share with you so I’ve decided todays post will just be an update one! I’m super super excited as I’ve just registered for my ticket to go to Food Matters Live at the London ExCel Centre in a few weeks time. After I graduate I really…

CJ’s Baguette Shop – Canterbury

            I went to see my little sister a couple of weeks ago. My sisters and I are 22, 20, and 18 (I am the oldest) but have all started university this September. My youngest sister is studying Biology with the University of Kent on the Canterbury campus – which…

Rochester’s Farmers Market

This is a day later than I’d planned and it’s been a whole week since I last posted! A whole week! Life took over this week and I had so much uni work to do (I spent the whole day in the library on Saturday) and I haven’t been feeling very well either. So it’s…